art drawing art drawing Author
Author: art drawing
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Hi my name is : abdalla Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy viewing my images as much as I enjoyed creating them.  ...
Hi my name is : abdalla
Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy viewing my images as much as I enjoyed creating them.  If you have any questions or would like to inquire about comissioning me to do an original portrait, you may contact me personally by email:from here

Born: april, 1987 cairo egypt
I started drawing at a very young age. When I was about five years old, I would often spend the day with my grandmother. She would set me up at the kitchen table with some sheets of wrapping paper, that she got from the butcher shop, and a number two pencil. As she went about her daily routine, I would draw from the newspaper, usually from the comics, but sometimes I would also attempt to draw the photographs. These are very fond memories for me and I’ve been drawing ever since.1995 - 2000
All through elementary and high school, I took every art class that was offered and also participated in all of the extra-curricular art projects. During this time, I was very fortunate to have received a lot of encouragement and support from my teachers and family.
During my second year at cairo university, I bought a 35mm camera and carried it everywhere. I would photograph anyone and anything that I found interesting. I really enjoyed this, so I decided to do graduate work in Creative Photography. Many of my photographs would be used as subjects for my drawings.
The subjects of my images are almost always people. I believe it’s those other souls we encounter during our lives that make it more interesting and enriched. My attempt is to capture some of the character and dignity that is a part of every person. We all have our individual hopes and dreams and we each find our own path to self-discovery. It’s these personal aspects of our humanity that I try to convey with my art.
It could be said that I do portraits and that would be accurate. However, I try to create something more than a likeness. I strive to show something about that individual’s personality, or perhaps capture a feeling of their situation at that particular moment in time. Hopefully, if I’m successful, the viewer will be able to connect with the image, in some way, without actually knowing the subject.
The purpose behind all of my images is to instill in the viewer a feeling that goes beyond the subject matter. My goal is to create something within the image that is universal or timeless.

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